Thanks for your candid replies.
One of the reasons I'm winning online (growing list, growing team, commissions...etc.) is working with coaches and mentors.
I'm willing to give you that helping hand to help you win.
We could discuss where you are now and where you want to be...etc.
Ian, most people start by "trying it out". However, they often are misguided thinking that the business they're
joining has all the answers they need to succeed. In fact, I went through over 40 different business programs and found
that none of them taught the marketing skills I needed to succeed. I finally realized my focus shouldn't be about the business.
It should be about learning real marketing skills - period. This is what I did and we will also teach you these skills. However,
if you focus on learning real marketing skills then you won't be "jumping from one shiny object to another". The three businesses
we promote all have been around for a long time, pay consistently on time, have good tools you need to succeed and will work
if you implement real skills promoting them.
I hope this really helps you Ian. As always, I'm here for you at any point that you need me. I will work with you as a business
partner if you dig deep and begin to learn these skills and ask for my help.
Talk to you soon!
Hey Ian! Thanks for connecting with me. So I totally understand. I want you to know that most people think of earning online as something "done for you" or
where they only need to "plug a few things in and play" or whatever.
I think of it now more like fishing. You have to go to the right pond, use the right fishing pole
and lure or worm with the right bobber or know what fish you're going after and be able to be patient fishing in a few different areas before you catch one. And
if you get something wrong (like the lure) or the timing or whatever, then it all ends up a waste of time. I've been teaching people how to use the 5 Critical Skills
to understand how to do this. You basically have to use the right tools (Just like you have to have a good fishing pole that works.
PLS gives you the right tools to create a good capture page (to catch people's attention) so that they
subscribe to your list (PLS also has a good autoresponder to build your list). Once they join your list, there's a small chance they will join and pay when they see
your program (but usually not. This is sort of like how fish are scared they're going to get tricked again, so they don't bite).
What you have to do is allow them to get to know you a little (build trust) through your emails (PLS allows you to edit and change
your automated emails so that you can help people get to know you a little bit and connect with people). If you have the emails set up right (we help make sure your
system is set up correctly as you go through the training and get back with me as you go through it) then you will know how the final statements in an auto email
are "call to action" sentences and when people connect back to you (when they answer "the call to action" just like you connected back to me) then this is \
where real trust begins and how people will feel comfortable to join and pay for your program. People want to know you will help them succeed and it is
important that you don't break their trust.
I hope this helps you to understand how it works. Again, it's like fishing. You have to get good at it and understand what you're doing.It takes time and practice, time and practice
over and over again until you suddenly realize you figured it out. But those that give up will lose out on learning this skill. You can see I took real time to answer your email
personally and to help you because I believe in you and want you to succeed Ian.
Anyway...please let me know how I can help you Ian as you go through the training - ok!
Looking forward to talking with you again soon. :)
So great to hear from you William! Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it because
I have the right training to help you! It will take some work as free advertising takes learning a real
skill if you want to succeed with it.
Most people think it's super easy and just go out and promote an
affiliate link on the free safelists and think that will do it to start earning. Unfortunately, I've been working
safelists for years now and most people have failure after failure doing it this way. If you learn and
start understanding the 5 Critical Skills however, you will start having success with any form of advertising.
Inside the Cash Now Funnel that Frank shares in his videos, the most easy and duplicatable way of
advertising is doing paid solos but if you can't afford it that's how life is sometimes. So please follow
our training carefully and you will figure out how these skills will change your life working online. :)
Here's the training for PLS called "Take the Challenge". There's Challenge 1 through Challenge 4 to help you.
Please go through it from the beginning so you will understand how PLS works.
The Challenge also works with the Cash Now Funnel (in Step 6) as you will see as you go through Challenge One:
Will you please let me know if you need ANY help at all - ok William. I'm here for you personally 1:1
to help you succeed. See if you can succeed with PLS in the next two weeks. But if you can't, I have
another program that costs only $12 mo. and you continue learning with it. It takes time to learn these skills
so don't be disheartened. Nevertheless, I have good hopes for you with PLS as it is the most powerful
tool to give you success quickly. PLS has all the right tools to implement the 5 critical skills, so do your
And again, thanks for connecting with me. Welcome to our team and it's so great to meet you!
Talk to you soon. Feel free to connect with me on Skype too if you like.
Skype: Albion Derbyshire.
Hey Richard! So you will find everything you need to succeed with PMS inside "Success Steps 1-5. All those additional trainings are old and have been consolidated into the Success Steps or inside the Steps to Six Figures training. The Elite Traffic 2 there is a link in Elite Traffic 1 (at the end) that will take you to Elite Traffic 2 and to the full site also. Elizabeta and I studied Jeff Aman's training sites and found them to be very unhelpful and after a year of showing them, finally decided that the information was not helpful and was actually more distracting as far as having actual success with PMS. However, if there's a specific training that you want, I can open it and allow you access. Just let me know which one you want. I will open one at a time for you if you want. I don't actually recommend it though.
The BIG income builder is basically found inside our "Main Program" in PMS. The Power Lead System (PLS) is our biggest income producer and our main program because we can teach all 5 critical skills on this platform alone without other systems or programs. Also it has the highest commission structure too. :) If you want to see my biggest income funnel for PLS, you can go here. I make more sales from this than anything else:
By the way, you will find more training than you can handle inside the "Weekly Training" Tab. This has training on solos, funnels, email marketing, social media marketing name it and it's there! And if that's not enough for you, our main training "The Steps to Six Figures" will give you more training than you could ever want. You can access it inside "Success Step" 4 or 5 I believe.
I hope all this helps Richard!
It's really great that you're in Idaho. I've had some really great team members near you (Wyoming and Montana). But I think you're my first member from there. I personally really enjoyed going through Idaho. We traveled along the Snake river I believe. It was a beautiful state.
Anyway, I hope you got my last email with the new training info. The training you're going through is a few years old.
Talk to you soon Richard and welcome again to our team!
PS: Feel free to call me anytime! :)
The true color of interest rates.
Hi Albie Derbyshire,
Think about this.
You have $5 million available for investment.
You put that money in an Index ETF that returns 2.5% annual dividend (not a demanding return).
What will that give?
You will get an average of $10k a month of dividend.
Not bad huh?
I didn't understand the practical implication of interest rate when I was young.
Yes, I know the term 'interest rate' in theory, and I know how to calculate compound interest from one of the modules I studied in school.
But it was just in theory.
In business, it is common to take a bank loan with a 5% interest.
I did that in my wholesale business.
I borrowed $50k, paying about $200 of interest every month.
That's not much right?
That's what I thought at that time. But now I have a different view of it.
If I borrowed $50k at 5% interest a year, I would have paid $50k of interest after 20 years!
Bear in mind that time flies.
Once you take up a loan and start paying the interest, you will become 'comfortable' with it.
Unknowingly, you would have paid a lot of interest, yet you still owe the bank a lot of money!
A Simple Way To See Interest Rate
I have a simple way to see the 'true color' of interest rate.
Instead of looking at the interest rate, you look at the number of years the loan will be doubled.
For example,
With 5% interest rate, it takes 20 years to double the loan.
With 4%, it takes 25 years.
With 25%, it takes 5 years!
I pick 5%, 4% and 25% because these are the common interest rates.
Most business loan interest is 5%, balance transfer interest is about 4% and credit card interest is about 25%.
So, instead of looking at what is the monthly payment i.e. installment, I will look at how long it will take for me to pay double the money.
Then the next question is, is it worth it?
If the answer is no, then I will not take up the loan.
If you have taken a loan, make it an effort to pay back the money as soon as possible and not be comfortable with paying just the installment or interest.
To your success,
Hey John! So this is a good email, especially about the benefits of PLS.
However, it's just my suggestion not to send them this email as your entry point back
to your old email list.
I would say something like this:
Hello (first name),
I am writing to you because you were with me
when I was in the Prosperity Marketing System.
I wanted to invite you to participate with me, again,
in learning some of the best ways to earn online, the best
tricks and tips and also some free bonuses I will be
sharing with you also.
Thanks so much.
If you have any questions that you would like to
ask me, feel free to send me a reply and
I look forward to hearing from you!
email address...
Let me know what you think, John. :)
Hey Stein!
Ok, so I put together your pages for you. If you were on my team and I was going to help you get your
six again (lol) then I would first make the requirement that you do 1000 hits a week promoting the team link
and then once you had finished Step 4, I would begin by placing the first paid member under you.
In addition, I would encourage them to either join PMS or PLS and tell them that you will set up a special page to promote
specifically for them where they can earn from PMS and safelists AND also support the team too. So their
1000 hits a week will still help the team. Also if they continue to get the 1000 hits and work through the training to
Step 16, that I would help them get 6 members in GDI along the way.
This allows them to potentially earn in the safelist they promote, PMS and GDI as well as get their hits for the team.
You may be wondering how you get subscribers from these pages. Well, set up these members from YOUR PMS site
(so subscribers and tour takers come to you) but have the page have their links in the funnel. Does that make sense Stein?
Also track the pages you give each member so you know how they're doing.
Eventually, when they become a team leader, they can learn how to set up their own pages from PMS themselves.
So I set up these pages for you in the Power Lead System Stein. They will give you a better chance of success than
the pages in PMS. However, the PMS ones can still work, you just need to make sure you're getting at least 2 subscribers
per 1000 hits. If so, then great. If not, change the title.
Here are the two pages to advertise and promote: (if you were on my team, I would only give you one link and it would be
Here's how the pages work as a funnel:
Page 1 for Promoting AEM:
leads to:
leads to:
Page 2 for promoting Referral Frenzy:
leads to:
leads to:
Both of the funnels above lead to here:
You can listen to the video about it to understand how it all works.
Setting up the Funnel for Your Team:
Like I said earlier, the PMS pages can still work, you just need to make sure you're getting at least 2 subscribers
per 1000 hits. If so, then great. If not, change the title.
Here is the video on how to set everything up for your team members or yourself using PMS:
Basically, there is a share code in PMS to activate to get the page to duplicate. Then change the title
to promote the safelist or mailer you want to promote. It would look like this for example.
You can change this same page to look like this:
You can see in the video how its possible to change the title over and over again to promote:
AEM, RF, Big Dogs, the Promo Codes in PMS, the Free Lead System etc...
Anyway, I will be creating more additional pages too.
I hope this helps Stein!
Will you let me know if you have any questions?
I agree with you about the HTTPS certificate too. One little tip about that: Go to the Websites Tab and you will see
the HTTPS subtab at the top. Buy the certificate (don't add sites you want to be HTTPS until after you buy it.
It will encourage you to add them right then. Just don't worry about doing that). Then create the subdomain you want
as you're making the capture page or sales page you want. Then use that same HTTPS tab in PLS (under Websites)
to go in and add new sites. At first, it will look like you're buying a new certificate all over again, but you're not.
it will allow
you to choose which domains you want to add the HTTPS to and then verify it and then wait about 10-30 mins
and it should be working. :)
Laxman! Good to hear back from you. So you can start for free if you like
and start earning. Just follow Step 1 into the free option and you will see
how to begin earning and then once you earn how to re-invest your earnings
so that you can earn more and so forth. But remember that just because it's
free doesn't mean I won't help you. Keep in touch so I can make sure you're
on the right track - ok :) There's also free training you can go through too.
Here's the link to The Formula here:
I hope this helps. :)